Topdog/ Underdog
“Topdog/ Underdog” by Suzan-Lori Parks Exercise for Design Concepts for the Stage Studio. 1.- Distressed wall, in angle to enhance the claustrophobic feeling, given by the audience pushing the characters towards the corner of the wall. An old mattress, broken sofa and a table made out of an empty box, and a $500 inheritance, that’s all that Link and Booth have for a living. 2.-Street art, an Abraham Lincoln statue… who’s THE Lincoln in this story? *Note: credits to Banksy, and the other artists who’s name aren’t clear. Their art were used just for purpose of the class. 3.-A giant unreachable window, the light of hope that comes in through it, and the need for them to be heard, to be noticed, to feel safe, are what we need to understand their precarious life. 4.- Is the final design, mix of the first and third sketch/ concept.